2450 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60647, this is the address of one of the places in the city we can call home or at least you will feel like at home anyway in terms of a Bar! This is the live recorded session of my last visit at ESTERE before COVID-19. All the plans to go back and play with friends there are on hold. However the memories are still there and as we know music is the perfect tool to call great memories! So let´s listen and call all the good memories of our sessions in my Sweet Home Chicago set live at Estereo Bar! Who wasn´t there can call other memories the music will help you for sure! This is a 7 inch strictly vinyl set live mix recording in a hot summer night in Sweet Home Chicago.
Estereo Bar wrote:
“Sooooo stoked to bring back our good buddy @dj_garrincha tonight at 10! All vinyl Tropical Diaspora 🔥🔥🔥. He’s going back to Brazil soon so you don’t want to miss tonight. You really don’t 🌴🇧🇷🔥💃🏽”.