Presented by Tropical Diaspora featuring Djs Garrincha, Dr.Sócrates.
The next weekend will be a Tropical Diaspora Dance Weekend beginning this Friday at the in Berlin Weeding bar Kugelbahn (Kegelstube) with Dj Dr.Sócrates, dance all you can in the basement!
Saturday the Tropical Diaspora dance sound track with Djs Garrincha & Dr.Sócrates will be in the Latinauta stage after the Live concert of La Mula Santa, also open air and all vinyl, dance all you can and more!
Closing the dance weekend this Sunday we Dj Garrincha & Dr.Sócrates are inviting two bands and 3 Djs to bring you to dance at the Berlin´s most original basement in Kreuzberg also the MAZE. Along with us in the strictly vinyl floor the special guest Selectora Cecilia Yzarra, Djane Grace Kelly and Dj Don Rispetto. On the stage live the bands with dance music from Brazil and Tierra del Fuego with Sambada de Coco & La Mula Santa, also dance all you can and beyond.
You have only one option! Dance.…
#karnevalderkulturenberlin #karnevalderkulturen #tropicaldiaspora #tropicaldiasporaparty #tropicaldiasporarecords #djgarrincha #djdrsocrates #djanegracekelly #djdonrispetto #radiomultikultiberlin #kdk17 #berlin #karneval #streetprade #flyer #poster #official #maze @joao_afojuba @djgracekelly @tropical_diaspora_records @dj_garrincha