Presented by Dj GArRinchA, the Tropical Diaspora party Vol.47 starring two live bands on the stage Sambada de Coco, La Mula Santa and two floors with Djs Garrincha, Dr.Sócrates spinning vinyl cuts and Grace Kelly and Don Rispetto in the second floor with the global tropical dance sound. The party is slated to start on Jun 04, 2017 after the Karneval der Kulturen street party, Doors open at 22:00 hs.
Furthermore this flyer is a multi-purpose card that can be used to get the discount at the box office and as a commemorative post card you can use to your beloved people world wide sendind some organic greetings from the best cultural carnival street party in Europe, soon everywhere inna Berlin city, find yours!
Since we’ve concentrated all our energy in the production our records on vinyl last year the next event will be our first release party where our guest will be able to buy our cuts for special prices. Also La Dame Blanche´s 2 LP, the R&B classic of Transilvanians in 7″ and also our high light Bugiganga Tropical Vol.1 with Super Spanish Combo from Barcelona and Banda Jardes revisited original from 1976.
Attention: As in the past our official flyer is valid as discount at the entrance. All guests with a official flyer (no print, no scan or copy) get a 2,- euros discount at the box office.…
#karnevalderkulturenberlin #karnevalderkulturen #tropicaldiaspora #tropicaldiasporaparty #tropicaldiasporarecords #djgarrincha #djdrsocrates #djanegracekelly #djdonrispetto #radiomultikultiberlin #kdk17 #berlin #karneval #streetprade #flyer #poster #official #maze @joao_afojuba @djgracekelly @tropical_diaspora_records @dj_garrincha