Renato Gama • Berlin
It was a long time ago that I lost the habit of look at old photographs, this moment is a classic from the 80s, 90s. Those family gatherings around the middle of the afternoon where after that delicious and affectionate lunch photo albums appeared in the smell of coffee. This rite marked many people, even today it happens in many families.
It is so important for us not to disconnect from the past, to look at where we came from. What if we could open a photo album from the future?
Berlin is a record that lives in its own time, expanded, anachronistic, wild, mystical, sliding between shamanism and swing that travel in bottomless holes, while watching the impossible right side of trees appear at sunset.
A record, a magical crack that sheds violet light on what we live, makes our days warmed by the warmth of affection and hope even radiantly, it spreads golden seeds in the gardens of the future!
Berlin floats in a crossroad while photo albums orbit around it!
By Almir Rosa
// Português
Anjo Paulo
Se você está numa estrada, pilotando um Maverick e ao seu lado, no banco do passageiro estiver sentado um anjo, isso é um ótimo sinal. Se o balanço que tocar na fita K7 combinar com a risada dele, então boa parte da paisagem estará garantida. Amizade é fruta mordida, é escorrer juntos pelas ruas da cidade, feito os riachos que buscam o mar. É encaixar aquela bola impossível, entre três marcadores e vê-la se aninhar nos pés do parceiro, como se fizessem isso há anos, vidas e mais vidas. Feliz é a pessoa que bebe com seu anjo da guarda.
// English
Paulo, the angel
If you’re on a road driving a Maverick and next to you, on the passenger seat, an angel is sitting, that’s a great sign. If the swing that plays on the tape goes with his laughter, much of the view is then guaranteed. Friendship is the bitten fruit, it is flowing together through the streets of the city made by the streams that search for the sea. It is to shoot that impossible ball between three markers and see it nestle at your partner’s feet, as if it has been doing it for years, for lives and more lives. Happy is the person who drinks with his guardian angel.