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Live Podcast | Tropical Diaspora® Records
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What’s the price for resistance and resilience? • It’s right to pick up the heritage and creativity of oppressed cultures without thinking about the repercussions? • How to address today’s Diaspora in questions like the reality of economic and social displacement of contemporary Africans world wide? To understand those and many more questions, follow the brand-new podcast. Episodes coming every month in our YouTube Channel.
Open Doors: 6 pm
Lecture Performance: 8 pm
Free Admission
Tropical Diaspora® Records proudly presents Danielle Almeida in a Lecture Performance with focus on 20th-century Black women singers from Latin America.
Featuring an Activism Art Performance by the artist GIULIANA PUGLIESE
/// English
Tropical Diaspora® Records proudly presents
Danielle Almeida in a Lecture Performance with focus on 20th-century Black women singers from Latin America.
Danielle Almeida is singer • educator • artivist in the anti-racism & LGBTQIA+ movement.
She is invited professor at MAC Barcelona at the PEI (Independent Studies Program).
Following the preparations of our vinyl project with her, Danielle Almeida presents a Lecture Performance and concert Diaspórica.
In this performance the audience will be introduced to a series of songs and rhythms by 20th-century Black women singers from the Latin American musical repertoire. In addition to the musical performance, Danielle will present parts of her research dedicated to the remembering of Black women singers from Peru, Cuba, Uruguay, Mexico and Brazil.
The Lecture Performance format is based on Danielle Almeida’s work and activism against racism and colonialism. The Lecture Performance focus on the interaction of the artists with the audience, complementing the sensory experience of music with the transfer of knowledge about the works presented. The goal of this method is to inspire the audience to discover new musical references and non-hegemonic narratives in music history.
The Tropical Diaspora Records podcast is intended to be a safe space for people to share their stories. In our podcast we will have a talk and interview with Danielle about life, work and periphery conspiracy.
Open Doors: 6 pm
Lecture Performance: 8 pm
Free Admission
Featuring an Activism Art Performance by the artist GIULIANA PUGLIESE
/// BR Português
Tropical Diaspora® Records orgulhosamente apresenta
Danielle Almeida em Palestra Performance com foco em cantoras negras da América Latina do século XX.
Danielle Almeida é cantora • educadora • artivista nos movimentos antirracismo e LGBTQIA+.
2023 PROFESSORA CONVIDADA DO MACBA NO (PEI) Progama de estudos independentes
Danielle Almeida é cantora • educadora • artivista do movimento antirracismo e LGBTQIA+ e professora convidada do MAC Barcelona no PEI (Programa de Estudos Independentes).
Acompanhando os preparativos do nosso projeto em vinil, Danielle Almeida apresenta Palestra Performance e concerto Diaspórica.
Nesta apresentação o público será apresentado a uma série de canções e ritmos de cantoras negras do século XX do repertório musical latino-americano. Além da apresentação musical, Danielle apresentará trechos de sua pesquisa dedicada à lembrança de cantoras negras do Peru, Cuba, Uruguai, México e Brasil.
O formato Palestra Performance é baseado na obra e no ativismo de Danielle Almeida contra o racismo e o colonialismo. As Palestras Performance focam na interação dos artistas com o público, complementando a experiência sensorial da música com a transferência de conhecimento sobre as obras apresentadas. O objetivo deste método é inspirar o público a descobrir novas referências musicais e narrativas não hegemônicas na história da música.
O podcast Tropical Diaspora Records pretende ser um espaço seguro para as pessoas compartilharem suas histórias. Em nosso podcast teremos uma conversa e entrevista com Danielle sobre vida, trabalho e conspiração da periferia.
Início: 18 h
Lecture Performance: 20 h
Entrada Gratis
Apresentando uma Performance de Artivismo da Artista GIULIANA PUGLIESE
Songs in Danielle´s Lecture Performance:
- Song to Elegua
- BRAVUM Song to Elegbara, song in honor to the orisha Exú and in homae to the Iyalorixá Flaviá Regina de Jagum
- TABU, song in homage to the Cuban singer Mercedita Valdés
- EXCUSE ME, song in homage to the Uruguayan singer Lágrimas Ríos
- BLACK MARIA, song in homage to the Uruguayan singer Lágrimas Ríos
- ELEVEN RIBBONS, song in homage to the Peruvian singer Susana Baca
- VAIN ILLUSIONS, song in homage to the Peruvian singer Victoria Santa Cruz
- BEAUTIFUL FLOWER (Ai, Yoyô), song in homage to the Brazilian singer Elizeth Cardoso
- BLACK LITTLE ANGELS, song in homage to the Mexican singer Toña la Negra
- THEY SHOUTED AT ME NEGRA (BLACK WOMAN), song in homage to the singer and Peruvian composer Victoria Santa Cruz
Voice, conception and direction: Danielle Almeida