Bugiganga Tropical Vol.”X”  Collection • Treasure Cover

Cana de Acucar Printed v1

300 copies limited edition hand numbered
Available soon +info: info@tdrgo.com

BugTroCollection Back v1

Side A • ______________

Side B • ______________

Cover Design by Matthias Beck based in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and hand made printing by Harald Weller based in Berlin.

With this record we are pleased to announce the launch of our record collection Bugiganga Tropical. This is a 4 records collection with special cover designs based on Tropical Diaspora´s Records concept and realized by the designer Matthias Beck from Estudio Rosebud based in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. With plants related to the African-Diaspora peoples work in the Americas the cover art should help the beholder to remember why Africans were brought along to the Americas. For us the connection to the cultural and in our case musical legacy related to this movements from mainland Africa. This first cover art with a coffee plant remember us the kind of work Africans did in many regions in South-America, the same regions where those rhythms were created trough the interaction between Africans and or Europeans and or Native south Americans. He hope you enjoy this records as we do!

For the realisation this amazing project we count with the work a awesome work of Harald Weller that print this cover using an ORIGINAL HEIDELBERG print machine based on the delivered design. The result is a full hand made cover that fit perfect to our vinyl productions.

The on the back numbered covers will be available in a limited edition with only 300 copies. This cover can be ordered with any of our 7 inch records since this is a general product with empty places on the back to put the songs names.

Dj Garrincha.

logo 200x100 300px v1

Special Cover hand  made in Berlin using Original Heidelberg print machine

Press by Original Heidelberg

Bugiganga Tropical Collection – cotton cover


Bugiganga Tropical Collection – Cacau Cover
