Itamar Assumpção E Banda Isca De Polícia ‎– Beleléu

Bawoni Oremi and Ef’okan bale,Ile lewa, with this words in youruba i would like to introduce you my vinyl this week. Since i create this blog to share my passion for music my intention was to put here just records that maybe are not known by the most people or guests in our events. With the tropical diaspora i just invite you to come in a musical world that today don´t belong to the main stream world where companies are thinking only in profit or make money forgetting the most important thing in the music! THE QUALITY. Today i introduce you the most important person in the Brazilian music scene after the big movements like Bossa Nova or Tropicalismo. The truth is that after Joao Gilberto, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, Mutantes & Co. nothing new happens till Itamar Assumpção came with friends like Arrigo Barnabé, Paul Lepetit and other musical partners in the São Paulo city.

The artist Itamar Assumpção, one of the most representative of the “vanguarda paulista” the cultural movement that took place in São Paulo between the late 1970s and the early 1990s. As he spoke nobody did anything new after Bossa Nova or Tropicalismo and the “vanguarda paulista” were doing this job in the music in Brazil.

In the last time i was searching for Itamar records in vinyl and found some of them in Europe the most of them in Germany or France. In our events a root sound i play very often is a version of “Nego Dito” (by the way the name of the next Tropical Diaspora Episode) performed by Branca de Neve (hear video below). That means many people in Europe already dance with this grooviest song in a tropical party and didn´t knew they were dancing a song that in the original version was something very alternative and experimental, something what is very clear in his early work. With the time we could see that his work take another direction and got more accessible for the normal listener, so he perform old songs in new versions without to lose the his essence also no compromise with his vision of quality and what his work should represent from a artistic perspective.

One day Itamar said: “I only will have success after death” , yes this shows the very meaning of his vision as artist, as he said that phrase in the early 70ties nobody couldn’t be understand at that point of time but he was completely right, his art, music, ideas are more up-to-date then many contemporaneous artists. In my opinion one of the few Brazilians maybe the only one that best understand this chaotic place called Brazil.

Another interesting aspect in Itamar´s way was the independent production of his records and everything he did. He never play for big record companies notwithstanding that he had the opportunities to to that. These philosophy preserved his work till today and the price for those Independence is related to the phrase above. One of the songs clarify all the divergences between black and white people in Brazil, song called Vá cuidar de sua vida begin like this “Go take care of your life, says the popular saying, Who takes care of other people’s lives, Their can not take care of his own…” a marvelous and genius critic to one of the most controversy matter in Brazil i.e. racism.

Itamar Assumpção the Bem Dito Nego Dito! my Vinyl of the Week Vol. 20

Enjoy it! Dj Garrincha


Nego Dito by Itamar Assumpção performed by Branca de Neve

“Itamar Assumpção (September 13, 1949 – June 12, 2003) was a Brazilian songwriter and composer who was born in Tietê, a city in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. Assumpção built a strong reputation in the Brazilian independent and alternative music scenes during the 1980s and 1990s, particularly in his home state of São Paulo. Itamar Assumpção was one of the biggest names and contributors in the “Vanguarda Paulistana” (“São Paulo Vanguard” in English), an alternative scene that itamar-asumpcaodominated São Paulo in the very late 70s and the first half of the 80s. This movement united artists who operated involuntarily outside of the established commercial music industry during an era that pre-dated the Internet, the politics of downloading and the contemporary indie music scene. The “Vanguarda” was responsible for launching many new talents and establishing a foundation for autonomous, self-sufficient music production (and subsequent release) by artists such as Arrigo Barnabé and Grupo Rumo.[1]  Assumpção’s music was a fusion of various styles and was predominantly influenced by “rock”, “samba” and “funk”. The lyrics contained within the songs were infused with sharp satire and heavy social criticism, with the lyrical content of Assumpção’s music also reflecting a number of influences – Adoniran Barbosa, Cartola, Jimi Hendrix, Miles Davis, the poetry of Paulo Leminski and Alice Ruiz..” Source: wiki


Itamar Assumpção 1999 at TV Cultura in the Program Ensaio with daughter Alice Assumpção

ItamarAssumpcaoeBandaIscadePolicia_lpItamar Assumpção E Banda Isca De Polícia ‎– Beleléu


Vá cuidar de sua vida – Itamar Assumpção

Vá cuidar da sua vida
Diz o dito popular
Quem cuida da vida alheia
Da sua não pode cuidar

Crioulo cantando samba
Era coisa feia
Esse é negro é vagabundo
Joga ele na cadeia
Hoje o branco tá no samba
Quero ver como é que fica
Todo mundo bate palma
Quando ele toca cuíca

Vá cuidar…

Negro jogando pernada
Negro jogando rasteira
Todo mundo condenava
Uma simples brincadeira
E o negro deixou de tudo
Acreditou na besteira
Hoje só tem gente branca
Na escola de capoeira

Vá cuidar…

Negro falava de umbanda
Branco ficava cabreiro
Fica longe desse negro
Esse negro é feiticeiro
Hoje o preto vai à missa
E chega sempre primeiro
O branco vai pra macumba
Já é Babá de terreiro

Vá cuidar…