Dear Tropical Diaspora friends  After spending some time in Vigo (Galicia) last week I had the opportunity to get the last album, “Echo, Vibes & Fire”, from our Tropical Diaspora’s friends Transilvanians, one of the most interesting bands in today’s reggae, ska and rocksteady scene.


The critic Lutxo Pérez has this to say about Transilvanians: “The big Jamaican monster of ska, rocksteady and early reggae could have stayed anchored in the 60s, but decided to mutate in a Galician musical combo that dress fancy suits and explodes with soul… Sneak like a boat abandoned on the Samil beach’s sand by a drug-trafficking group. Terrifyingly joyful like a marathon of Hammer movies. The catacomb reggae could reign forever in the memory of the Kingston ghettoes, but decided to resuscitate in Galicia. Everyone was waiting for new big adventures in the 2014 musical landscape and here they are.” Transilvanians are truly Tropical Diaspora’s friends and played already with us two years ago in Yaam performing a superb concert.

The song I want to show you is “Fence of Shame”, the last track of Transilvanian’s most recent album “Echo, Vibes & Fire” (Liquidator Music). This song, featuring Roberto Sánchez, is a magnificent reggae. I am choosing this song because I believe it matches perfectly the Tropical Diaspora’s spirit. In “Fence of Shame” the chorus repeatedly almost hypnotically sings: “Why are we closing the gates to our African brothers?”


In Tropical Diaspora the gates are always open.

There are no gates in the Tropical Diaspora’s world!