Hi Diaspora people everywhere! We come today to give your some pics & pieces our next musical project on vinyl that stated in a very nice way in out last Radio Broadcast at Multicult.FM in Berlin with our host Don Rispetto.  Through a huge surprise live in the radio show Gio announce a Band from Bologna with a new song that would fit perfect into the broadcast announcing the up coming partys in the Karneval der Kulturen 2017 the street parade in Berlin. He introduce us the Band El V And The Gardenhouse with the song El Doctor Named after one of the greatest soccer players in Brazil:Doutor Sócrates! not a coincidence the same DJ nickname our Tropical Diaspora Records Resident DJ J.M.Duran aka Dr.Sócrates.
After the radio broadcast, few mails, whatsapp conversations and phone calls we setup the next 7 inch to be pressed and this is so far, we are just initiating the production process. Stay connected for the next news about this great record release what we are very proud off. If you want to refresh your memory about Soccer, Democracy and revolution through soccer, we suggest to begin in our opinion the best movie about soccer in the next years, also Eric Cantona´s movie called FOOTBALL REBELS portraying 10 revolutionary soccer players world wide. One of those 10 is for sure Dr.Sócrates!

★ This release is a limited edition of 300 copies ★
Performed by EL V AND THE GARDENHOUSE, Music by M. VECCHI – P. La Ganga, ℗ 2017 DEEPOUT RECORDS / © 2017 ALMAN MUSIC
 Written: Vecchi Marco – Pub.: Nuova Peecker Srl, Alman Music – ℗ 2012 Molto Pop/Molto Srl – Courtesy by Molto Pop/Molto Srl
This Records is a production in Cooperation with the Record Label DEEPOUT RECORDS/ALMAN MUSIC