Dear Tropical Diaspora community today we are proud to announce the first mix tape by Radio Antichambre from Chaméry-Lyon in France featuring the Tropical Diaspora releases on vinyl.
The Antichambre is a collective, association and the organizers of the Urban Jam festival in Chambéry. Furthermore the collective is responsible for radio programs productions like Radio Ellebore in Chambéry Since 2001 and since 2009 on Radio Canut in Lyon. The collective aim to respect the original values of Hip-Hop culture, creating programs featuring independent hip-hop, militant funk and intransigent rap, furthermore a tribute to African-American music from the 70ties to the present.This week the Antichambre Radio release a mix cloud set featuring songs by Speedometer,
Transilvanians, The Souljazz Orchestra , Diazpora, Mo’ Horizons And The Banana Soundsystem and much more. In this new L’Antichambre show, DJ Elber presents the label Tropical Diaspora and some of its artists including La Dame Blanche, Super Spanish Combo and Transilvanians. Uncle Ben selects a few tracks from the last albums of Diazpoara “Islands” and The Du-Rites “J-Zone & Pablo Martin are The Du-Rites”. DJ Elber ends with some new releases: Speedometer, Jungle Fire, Emapea, The Souljazz Orchestra, Mo Horizons And The Banana Soundsystem, Alex Puddu and Big Pimp Jones.
Here the mix at mixcloud – Antichambre #250:
Chambéry-Lyon, France
Emission de radio diffusée sur Ellébore (Chambéry), depuis 2001, et sur Radio Canut (Lyon) depuis 2009.
Respectueuse des valeurs originelles du hip hop, l’émission met à l’honneur le hip-hop indépendant, la funk amusante, le rap intransigeant, le sample déroutant et se veut un hommage à la musique Afro-Américaine des années 70 à nos jours…A Chambéry tous les jeudis de 21h à minuit sur Radio Ellebore 105.9 fm
A Lyon tous les jeudis soirs en direct de 21h à 22h sur radio canut 102.2 fmOnly vinyls !!
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